610-793-6609 michael@achievable.com

Do You Have What It Takes to Achieve New Year’s Goals?

Too often, business leaders go into a new year or season with ideas of what they think things ‘should’ look like. It is great to think of the potential, but they often lack what carries them to that new height. They have no plan or strategy, no foundation on which to stand.

The most important thing you can do for your business right now is to build or review a business plan. Who are you? Why are you in business? And what do you want to achieve in the long term? Your plan should include vision, core values, culture, and purpose.

Driven by the tyranny of the urgent, everyday operations, and countless interruptions, it sometimes feels impossible to get traction. To grow your business, you need to have a leadership team that can execute the plan. Effective leadership is the key component driving execution.

Alan Mulally, former CEO of Ford Motor Company, said “Leadership is having a compelling vision, a comprehensive plan, relentless implementation, and talented people working together. Talented people are the critical success factor to implement the plan relentlessly.” Alan Mulally turned the company around by implementing one team, one plan, and one goal that was clear to everyone.

The long-term key to success is daily execution by a team of committed leaders. Success or failure is decided by leadership.

Your leaders have a dramatic impact on your company culture, employee engagement, and overall performance of their business. The leaders must be able to supply direction and focus on the major goals and strategy for the future. The principal role of the leader is to set the compass, as we said earlier – vision, core values and core purpose – and to chart the course.

When everyone in the company is following the same vision, values, and core purpose, it creates meaning and positive momentum. Instead of people feeling like they are on the fringe, they become active, engaged, and willing participants to help your business to thrive.

Developing leaders is what we do here at Achievement Unlimited, reach out to Michael@achievable.com to discuss how we can help your business develop or update your strategic plan for the new year.