610-793-6609 michael@achievable.com

TTI Personality and Emotional Intelligence Assessments

The Achiever Evaluation Assessment

The Achiever assessment predicts how an individual may perform in a given job by comparing that individual’s Profile to a normative pattern which can be developed for a specific job at a specific organization.  The Achiever measures job-related information in eighteen separate classifications: six mental aptitudes, ten personality dimensions plus two validity scales. The Achiever was developed with the goal of helping companies make sound employment, retention, assignment, training, and promotion decisions.

The Achiever is the right business tool for evaluating people. It identifies strengths and areas for development.  It helps increase employees’ effectiveness and determines training needs.

TTI Talent Insights® Provide Behaviors & Motivators Report

Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. This report measures the four dimensions of normal behavior: dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. Talent Insights tells you how this individual will perform.

Knowledge of an individual’s motivators help to tell us why they do things. The Personal Motivation & Engagement report measures the relative prominence of six basic interests or motivators (a way of valuing life): Theoretical, Utilitarian, Aesthetic, Social, Individualistic and Traditional.

Talent Insights illuminates what motivates this individual’s behavior. Talent Insights defines how an individual’s behaviors and motivators blend together, so you’ll understand how to enhance performance and increase overall job satisfaction.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) Report

Measures emotional intelligence, or your ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity. With EQ training, your employees will develop the skills and knowledge to better understand your customers, how to manage their expectations, and ultimately meet their needs.

Axiongenics VQ Profile

A VQ Profile identifies a person’s “best and worst” ways of thinking. Good thinking leads to good decisions and the best leaders know how to influence their own thinking and achieve their goals.

Self-awareness is the first step toward self-leadership and a VQ Profileassessment provides people with necessary insight about how they think and make decisions and delivers key information needed to optimize learning and performance.

Self-leaders are aligned with the vision and strategy of the organization which leads to improved productivity and growth.