610-793-6609 michael@achievable.com

5 Simple Tips to Improve Communication Today

The number one struggle I consistently find working with companies is communication. We have more ways to communicate than ever before: Zoom, text, email, Slack, Chat and more. Yet, in most cases, we waste a lot of time and effort because of poorly disseminated or misunderstood ideas. A lot of mutual mystification goes on daily. Why?


Three main factors influence how our communication is received: words, tone, and body language. Of our total communication message, words represent only 7% and tone only 38%. Body language accounts for 55% of what is being communicated. Clearly there are many ways for communication to be misunderstood.  


How do you know if you are a successful communicator? Do you often experience conflict at home or work? When expressing your thoughts or needs, do you feel understood? When corroborating on projects, do things go as planned or do you notice that the vision didn’t translate? If you are consistently experiencing unmet expectations, communication may be the issue. Below are the hallmarks of good communicators.


Effective communicators:

  1. Develop trust and credibility. Authentic sincerity helps to create an atmosphere of trust.
  2. Use the 5 Cs: Clear, Complete, Concise, Concrete, and Correct.
  3. Recognize that every perspective is a perspective.
  4. Are open to hearing new ideas.
  5. Say exactly what they mean.


Make it your top priority to learn and execute good communication whenever possible. Communication is a learned skill, and it gets easier and better with practice.  As with all new things, first take stock of where you are. Read over these 5 skills and start to notice where you are making your mistakes. Are you Clear, open and authentic?


Look for these common barriers to good communication:


Attitude – Expectations about the issue or the other person, 

Lack of Trust – Trust is earned, 

External DistractionsPeople and background noise, 

Internal Distractions – Internal dialogue,

Preconceived Ideas – Prejudices and biases, 

Lack of Skill – Most people don’t know how to really connect and listen, 

Lack of Concentration Executive functioning impairment or boredom, 

Talking – When you are talking, you are not listening, 

Self-Centeredness – Keeping the focus on yourself.  



One way that we understand people’s unique communication styles in our practice is the DISC model. DISC is the universal language of observable human behavior. Knowing each other’s communication style and adapting to communicate better will increase the effectiveness of your team and morale. The process is simple and remarkably fast.  To find out how using the DISC model in your office can help, contact Michael@achievable.com


For more information, download this Getting Results Through Others Brochure – Click Here.

6 Steps to Creating Great Leaders in Your Organization

Whether you are leading a large company or your family, the key to leading well is to develop your members into great leaders. By teaching and encouraging people to live in confidence and skill, you are going to have the best advantage towards a great outcome. That outcome could be your growing company or a legacy of leaders from your family line.


Your long-term success is dependent on giving your managers the skills and tools they need to succeed. Great companies remain great by developing their people with a goal directed, results oriented culture. Leadership and management are modeled behaviors; the expression ‘more is caught than taught’ sums it up well. Words are empty if they are not supported by action.   


How do you get managers who are crushing it? Here is the play book:


Help Team Members Be More Productive.

Take stock of what is working and what is not working. Look for stumbling blocks and remove them. Ask the people around you where they see process blocks and invite them to share solutions. Make your team more valuable by investing in solutions.


Communicate Effectively 

Ask better questions to get better answers.  Learn to communicate with different styles and make sure your words and tone are creating the impact and action you want. Again, get honest feedback from others you trust. Improve relationships and create a culture of accountability.


Activity and Results 

Identify and spend time in your high payoff activities and delegate tasks when possible. Delegating tasks can help you in multiple ways. First, you are freeing up your time and mental space to do the work that you excel at and will bring you the most rewards. Second, you are giving your staff additional skills and knowledge they can use to benefit your company. Improve your team’s output with a results scorecard and feedback.  


Clarify Goals and Expectations 

Identify your most important business or personal goals and develop specific action plans to achieve them. This takes time and space; make an appointment with yourself on the calendar away from distraction. Clarify expectations to avoid miscommunication. Get everyone on the same timeline and route.  


Motivate People to Produce 

Get people to perform better because they want to, not because they must. Give praise to reinforce the behaviors you want to see and use positive feedback to correct ineffective behavior. 


Create Synergistic Teamwork 

Increase cooperation and collaboration using one of many online platforms not by adding one more meeting.  Be creative and upbeat and don’t forget to celebrate those wins with your team!

Create synergy by focusing on team members’ strengths instead of weaknesses.  


Just like improving your game on the field, creating a productive and effective team takes practice and repetition. If you are stuck and looking to implement some changes, we can help.

For more information, download this Getting Results Through Others Brochure – Click Here.

4 Actions to Take Right Now to Become a Business Catalyst (And why it matters)


Catalyst. According DictionaryReference.com, A catalyst is a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected. 

Also: Something that causes activity between two or more people or forces without itself being affected. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, creators of the Giving Pledge, encourage billionaires to give half of their wealth to philanthropy. Being Catalysts for culture change has not stopped them from creating astounding wealth.

A catalyst is also a person or thing that precipitates an event or change in society or culture. Netflix Cofounder, Reed Hastings, is a great example of a catalyst who truly changed the global entertainment industry. 

I love the final definition this reference gives: A person whose talk, enthusiasm, or energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic. And this is where each one of us can jump in to be a catalyst in our workplace, community and family.

How to be a Catalyst.

Be optimistic and encouraging. Be an innovator and try new things. Encourage others to try too, even if it means failing a few times. If you keep doing things the same way year after year, you will stop growing as a business and as a person.

Be genuine. What are your company’s values and mission? People are moved by your ideas when they see you living it. Brynne Tillman, CEO of Social Sales Link, suggests that you “Slow Down Your Outreach to Speed Up the Sales Outcome.” Take a conversational approach to sales, putting the emphasis on relationships first. Connect with people first about their needs and their successes to earn their ear and their business.

Be excited about your product.  Does your work still excite you? If not, spend some time exploring why. Are you still relevant in today’s market? How can you freshen up and be useful in this moment? If you are not keeping up with changes in the workplace or culture, you will be left behind.

Be generous.  With your time, talent and money. Show people how you are involved in the work you do and why it matters. Spend time mentoring young people and others who are starting out in your field.  How can you give back to your community? Sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with others will invigorate you and your work.  

Being a catalyst in the true sense of inspiring others and creating change is within your grasp. Check us out for more information about coaching and positive change

The shift begins when you start focusing on “what really m

For more information, download this Getting Results Through Others Brochure – Click Here.