In 1972, Life magazine published a story depicting the adventures of John Goddard. His story was one on enduring determination filled with personal passion. When John was 15, he heard his grandmother, aunts, and uncles say, “If only I had done this when I was young.”
John was determined not to spend his life playing the “if only” game, so he sat down with a yellow pad and wrote down what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. When he finished writing, 127 goals existed.
John decided there were 10 rivers he wanted to explore, along with 17 mountains he wanted to climb. He decided to become an Eagle Scout, visit every country in the world, learn to fly an airplane, and dive in a submarine. He wanted to retrace the travels of Marco Polo and ride a horse in the Rose Bowl parade. The list goes on and on.
By the time he was 47, he achieved 111 of his original 127 goals.
John’s story is a testament to the power of goal-setting. Setting goals and determining the best route to achieve them is the surest way to go.
Goal-setting is the precondition to success in every venture in life. It’s absolutely vital to succeeding in your career. Goal-setting forces you to focus on what is most important in your life.
Goal-setting is the foundation of all success in life. A builder cannot construct a home without first outlining a blueprint. A pilot cannot fly a plane without first submitting a flight plan. A minister cannot deliver his sermon without first framing his message. You cannot design an extraordinary life without a solid foundation comprised of goals.
Goal-setting provides a road map for people who want to choose their own route to success and shape the events that fill their lives. Creative goal-setting sets in motion the forces for high achievement and a rewarding, fulfilling life. No one ever becomes truly great by accident. Success requires constructive action and positive habits to maintain and sustain your goals program. Remember: Your past isn’t your future, and you can do whatever you want with your future.
Whatever brought you to where you are today isn’t going to take you into the future. Your life is like a blank sheet of paper that you can mold and shape and create into whatever you choose. Life belongs to the intentional and purposeful goal-setters.